Je suis plus fort q’votre jalousie
J’ignore les attaques envers moi
C’est triste de voir que votre p’tite vie
Ère dans l’ignorance, sans la Foi
Que de ragot j’ai entendu
Que de rumeurs j’ai aperçu
À mon sujet, j’aurai tout vu
Ce n’est pas moi qui est perdu
Je suis plus fort que tu le penses
Toi, le troll qui s’concentre sur moi
C’est comme si tu entrais en trance
Tu tombes dans l’panneau à chaque fois
Mais un jour tu n’auras pas l’choix
De constater la pourriture
Qui t’habite, se trouve sous ton toit
Ce moment sera des plus dur
Il ne te reste presque plus d’temps
Pour changer et évoluer
Vers autre chose de plus vivant
Que les ténèbres qui vont te tuer
Je suis plus fort que le dégout
De cette vie que tu entretiens
Je n’ai que faire de l’immense trou
Qui t’habite et ne sers à rien.
mardi 27 septembre 2016
jeudi 22 septembre 2016
Talk radio is not dead and will never be!
I’m not a YouTuber, I’m a talk radio host. More precisely, I am a talk web radio host since autumn 2005. I started my « career » at a station that doesn’t exist any more called Rockik.
The main reason why I am doing this is because I’m a talk radio lover. Here, in Quebec city, we have a great history of controversial radio hosts that goes back to the beginning of the 70’s, but probably even before. I was born in 1976 and as far as I remember, I have memories of listening to radio stations when I was 8 or 9 years old. For sure, at that time, it wasn’t as much as today, it really started as a passion for me during the 90’s.
The thing I love with talk radio, is that it keeps your mind free when you are listening to it. It serves a different purpose than a TV show, you can think, you can do something else but still, you are hearing what’s on the program.
I am not telling that radio shows are better than a YouTube video or TV program, I am just telling you that it serves a different purpose. It’s a different way to reach an audience. Like everyone else, I am watching some TV shows and YouTube videos, but when I do, I must stop everything I am doing to be able to concentrate on the content that is displayed. This is OK, that’s what I want when I am doing this.
I also create videos from time to time, but this is not what I prefer and of course, this is reflected in my videos in the way that when I am recording a message for my crowd in a video, I do it in one shot, like I would do in a radio show… which is not the best thing for a video. I am well aware that a good video needs montage and mixing but I don’t have the time and the talent to compete will all the YouTubers out there… and this is not the goal.
This is why, you should never evaluate my work with my videos. Instead, take some time to listen to my podcasts. I record them live because in real life, when you talk to someone, you can’t stop and remix your speech to make it perfect. Perfection is not a goal in the talk radio world, the goal is the message, the content that we want to deliver.
Talk radio is not dead and will never be. It may be less popular than TV shows and YouTube videos but there will always be a need for it.
Next Monday will be my 1000th podcast in the Knights of News format… but overall, I have completed more than 1500 web radio shows. Most of them are about world news and important stuff we need to talk, I am really proud of that.
Give a try to my podcast next week because now, I'll do that in "ludicrous speed"! My English accent and skills may not be perfect, but for sure, I will still talk about very important stuff we ALL should care, stay tuned!
- Jonathan
PS: You can find my complete "podcastrography" at but WARNING, there is pretty OLD stuff in there that now is complexity irrelevant.
The main reason why I am doing this is because I’m a talk radio lover. Here, in Quebec city, we have a great history of controversial radio hosts that goes back to the beginning of the 70’s, but probably even before. I was born in 1976 and as far as I remember, I have memories of listening to radio stations when I was 8 or 9 years old. For sure, at that time, it wasn’t as much as today, it really started as a passion for me during the 90’s.
The thing I love with talk radio, is that it keeps your mind free when you are listening to it. It serves a different purpose than a TV show, you can think, you can do something else but still, you are hearing what’s on the program.
I am not telling that radio shows are better than a YouTube video or TV program, I am just telling you that it serves a different purpose. It’s a different way to reach an audience. Like everyone else, I am watching some TV shows and YouTube videos, but when I do, I must stop everything I am doing to be able to concentrate on the content that is displayed. This is OK, that’s what I want when I am doing this.
I also create videos from time to time, but this is not what I prefer and of course, this is reflected in my videos in the way that when I am recording a message for my crowd in a video, I do it in one shot, like I would do in a radio show… which is not the best thing for a video. I am well aware that a good video needs montage and mixing but I don’t have the time and the talent to compete will all the YouTubers out there… and this is not the goal.
This is why, you should never evaluate my work with my videos. Instead, take some time to listen to my podcasts. I record them live because in real life, when you talk to someone, you can’t stop and remix your speech to make it perfect. Perfection is not a goal in the talk radio world, the goal is the message, the content that we want to deliver.
Talk radio is not dead and will never be. It may be less popular than TV shows and YouTube videos but there will always be a need for it.
Next Monday will be my 1000th podcast in the Knights of News format… but overall, I have completed more than 1500 web radio shows. Most of them are about world news and important stuff we need to talk, I am really proud of that.
Give a try to my podcast next week because now, I'll do that in "ludicrous speed"! My English accent and skills may not be perfect, but for sure, I will still talk about very important stuff we ALL should care, stay tuned!
- Jonathan
PS: You can find my complete "podcastrography" at but WARNING, there is pretty OLD stuff in there that now is complexity irrelevant.
mercredi 21 septembre 2016
vendredi 16 septembre 2016
Si je faisais…
Si je faisais des bonbons, vous auriez la dent sucrée.
Si je faisais des oursons en peluche, vous seriez attendri.
Si je faisais des pipes, vous fumeriez à vous étouffer.
Si je faisais des cascades, vous seriez impressionné.
Si je faisais de l’alcool, vous auriez soif à ne plus finir.
Si je faisais des hamburgers, vous voudriez manger mes boulettes.
Si je faisais des photos, vous admireriez mes œuvres.
Si je faisais de la politique, vous seriez pour ou contre moi.
Si je faisais pitié, vous me réconforteriez.
Si je faisais du sport, vous m’encourageriez.
Mais puisque ma passion est l’actualité mondiale, vous n’en avez rien à crisser!
Il serait temps de se réveiller, de considérer le domaine de l’actualité comme important et d’encourager ceux qui s’appliquent à vouloir que l’information importante se propage, quand même bien qu’elle soit complexe et difficile à comprendre à première vue.
- DJon
Si je faisais des oursons en peluche, vous seriez attendri.
Si je faisais des pipes, vous fumeriez à vous étouffer.
Si je faisais des cascades, vous seriez impressionné.
Si je faisais de l’alcool, vous auriez soif à ne plus finir.
Si je faisais des hamburgers, vous voudriez manger mes boulettes.
Si je faisais des photos, vous admireriez mes œuvres.
Si je faisais de la politique, vous seriez pour ou contre moi.
Si je faisais pitié, vous me réconforteriez.
Si je faisais du sport, vous m’encourageriez.
Mais puisque ma passion est l’actualité mondiale, vous n’en avez rien à crisser!
Il serait temps de se réveiller, de considérer le domaine de l’actualité comme important et d’encourager ceux qui s’appliquent à vouloir que l’information importante se propage, quand même bien qu’elle soit complexe et difficile à comprendre à première vue.
- DJon
jeudi 15 septembre 2016
Je « switch » à l’anglais!

C’est une question d’évolution. L’intérêt du monde francophone envers l’actualité mondiale fait vraiment pitié et sérieusement, j’en ai marre. Alors je vais m’adresser à ceux qui ont le pouvoir, ceux qui peuvent changer les choses, les 2 milliards qui parlent anglais sur la planète.
Désolé pour ceux qui ne comprennent pas l’anglais, depuis le temps que j’essaie de vous montrer que pour vraiment comprendre ce qui se passe sur la planète vous vous devez d’apprendre l’anglais et faire un effort… vous êtes des adultes, vous savez ce que vous avez à faire!
Bien sûr au début, ça risque d’être drôle, mais au moins, je n’ai pas peur de mettre ma paire de couilles sur la table pour encore une fois, essayer de changer notre monde pour le mieux, parce que ça va vraiment, mais vraiment mal.
So, stay tuned and prepare yourself for September 26th! The new show will be shorter and easier for the average Joe out there but my goal stays the same: talk about the critical topics that everyone must understand to be able to settle things on earth.
PS: Many thanks to Celinka Serre and Binky Productions who are supporting and helping me on this:
mardi 13 septembre 2016
La Déprogr@mmation, ça vous dis?
Je viens de terminer le livre « La Déprogr@mmation » de Sylvain Laforest et voici ce que j’ai à dire sur celui-ci.
Je l’ai dévoré. Je ne lis beaucoup de livres, je devrais peut-être, mais je suis surtout quelqu’un qui fait de la lecture via internet. Disons que ma moyenne se situe entre 1 à 3 livres par année.
J’ai adoré ce livre qui se lis très facilement malgré son contenu complexe. Nous pourrions lui donner une couverture jaune et noir et l’intituler « La conspiration pour les nuls » tellement il explique en détails ce que devrait être notre histoire commune, celle enseignée dans nos écoles.
J’imagine que plusieurs déjà ont décrochés parce que j’ai utilisé le mot « conspiration ». Ces gens, programmés à l’os, ont trop peur d’ébranler le peu de connaissance qu’ils ont par de l'information qui pourrait les amener à réfléchir et se responsabiliser. La responsabilité personnelle face à une nouvelle information que l’on a reçue est souvent difficile à gérer au début, mais tellement libératrice par la suite quand on accepte la réalité et c’est aux gens courageux que s’adresse « la Déprogr@mmation ».
Mais attention, lorsque Sylvain vous parle des conspirations des trois princes du pognon, il ne s’éparpille pas. Il reste fermement ancré dans la réalité et vous montre comment notre planète a été gérée et ce, depuis le début du XXe siècle. Le plus surprenant, et ce que j’ai aimé le plus, est qu’il reste les pieds sur terre sans tomber dans le farfelu de la conspiration car il est très facile d’y perdre l’équilibre quand on commence à s’intéresser à notre histoire réelle, telle qu’elle s’est vraiment déroulée.
vendredi 9 septembre 2016
I would like everyone to know more about our world
Hi, my name is Jonathan and I am 40 years old. First, let me tell you that the English language isn’t my first language; I speak French in my everyday life. So don’t be too severe with me, since I will make mistakes. You can laugh about it, and you can also point out some errors I may make so I can improve myself.
I am the founder of the Knights of News, a concept I created to show my love of world news. Everyone can be a Knight of News, you simply need to care about humanity and have the willingness to inform others.
The home of the Knights of News is, a website I created in 2007. Our headquarters changed many times since its launch. Before today, it was firing in all directions… but now, it’s more focused than ever: on world news.
« Why world news? » Very simple: I care about my planet and the people who are living on it. One day I had a flash, I realized that the VERY FIRST STEP to being able to settle even the simplest problem requires a common knowledge of the context and parameters of this problem.
In short, as humanity, we cannot fix what’s wrong in our society if we, each one on our side, have different knowledge of the situation. The reason is simple and very logical: solutions a person may suggest will always miss important key points that another may have, and the consequence is that these solutions will be incomplete and partial.
We all have the same concerns, we all have the same goals, we want to live in peace, have food, shelter and love. Whatever part of the world you live in, we all feel the same, we all have the same basic needs.
This planet is going to crash if we, as a global ensemble, continue like we have been. But before doing something that can apply to and help all of us, we must all have the same stance on the situation.
This is why the Knights of News exist. View them as a tool that enables you to have better common knowledge of the situation on Planet Earth. We put in evidence complex topics, that at first may not seem to be important (e.g.: geoengineering, geopolitical tensions, global economy, etc.) so that in the long run, YOU do care and become curious. Without basic curiosity, we can’t have any hope to fix the smallest problem.
Today, a small group of people have all the space they want to decide, just because the majority of us don’t care enough about the decisions taken by this Elite. This must change, and the very first step is to get CURIOUS about everything, from the simplest topic to the most complex.
Don’t be afraid, just because you don’t understand, we are all together on this boat, we all need to help each other. The majority of us want peace, but the war warmongering minority have control because we don’t take the time to understand what is happening or why.
Knowledge is power. Be powerful. Start learning about complex world news. This can be very hard at first, but be courageous, and you will see that over time, this will becomes easier.
Peace, love and justice requires common knowledge of what’s happening on Earth.
I am the founder of the Knights of News, a concept I created to show my love of world news. Everyone can be a Knight of News, you simply need to care about humanity and have the willingness to inform others.
The home of the Knights of News is, a website I created in 2007. Our headquarters changed many times since its launch. Before today, it was firing in all directions… but now, it’s more focused than ever: on world news.
« Why world news? » Very simple: I care about my planet and the people who are living on it. One day I had a flash, I realized that the VERY FIRST STEP to being able to settle even the simplest problem requires a common knowledge of the context and parameters of this problem.
In short, as humanity, we cannot fix what’s wrong in our society if we, each one on our side, have different knowledge of the situation. The reason is simple and very logical: solutions a person may suggest will always miss important key points that another may have, and the consequence is that these solutions will be incomplete and partial.
We all have the same concerns, we all have the same goals, we want to live in peace, have food, shelter and love. Whatever part of the world you live in, we all feel the same, we all have the same basic needs.
This planet is going to crash if we, as a global ensemble, continue like we have been. But before doing something that can apply to and help all of us, we must all have the same stance on the situation.
This is why the Knights of News exist. View them as a tool that enables you to have better common knowledge of the situation on Planet Earth. We put in evidence complex topics, that at first may not seem to be important (e.g.: geoengineering, geopolitical tensions, global economy, etc.) so that in the long run, YOU do care and become curious. Without basic curiosity, we can’t have any hope to fix the smallest problem.
Today, a small group of people have all the space they want to decide, just because the majority of us don’t care enough about the decisions taken by this Elite. This must change, and the very first step is to get CURIOUS about everything, from the simplest topic to the most complex.
Don’t be afraid, just because you don’t understand, we are all together on this boat, we all need to help each other. The majority of us want peace, but the war warmongering minority have control because we don’t take the time to understand what is happening or why.
Knowledge is power. Be powerful. Start learning about complex world news. This can be very hard at first, but be courageous, and you will see that over time, this will becomes easier.
Peace, love and justice requires common knowledge of what’s happening on Earth.
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