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What is this site? (
But more precisely,
- It fetches a custom set of world news RSS feeds from various official media outlets.
- It filters the resulting list to remove non pertinent links.
- It orders and timestamps the news links with UTC time zone.
- And finally colours them if they are important news, special topics, etc.
News for pros, plain and simple!
Why everyone should visit the Knights of News?
Nothing less than that, thanks to the "comparison effect" by putting all news media outlets side-to-side, on the same list.
This way, we can compare titles and spot the nice written and descriptive ones. It forces MSMs to be as complete and pertinent as possible.
This way, we can compare the content and when it's reported. The media that will have the greater and more pertinent content will win the popularity race when displayed with all his competitors, it's pure logic.
Everybody win by visiting the Knights of News: quality and pertinence over entertainment and consumerism!
Overall, this website forces each of our beloved MSMs to do a better job, this is why your visit, and to talk about it around you, is so important.
Qu'est-ce que ce site? (
Mais plus précisément,
- Il rassemble un tas de liens RSS d'actualité mondiale de plusieurs médias officiels.
- Il filtre la liste qui en résulte et enlève les trucs non pertinents.
- Il ordonne et converti l'heure au fuseau horaire UTC.
- Et finalement colore le lien s'il est une actualité importante, d'un sujet spécial, etc.
Des nouvelles pour les pros, pur et simple!
Pourquoi tout le monde devrait visiter les Chevaliers de l'Info?
Rien de moins, merci à "l'effet de comparaison" en mettant tous les médias côte-à-côte, sur la même liste.
De cette façon, nous pouvons comparer les titres et cibler facilement ceux qui sont descriptifs et bien écrits. Cela force les médias à être le plus pertinent et complet possible.
De cette façon, nous pouvons comparer le contenu et quand il est rapporté. Le média qui aura le meilleur et le plus pertinent contenu gagnera la course à la popularité lorsqu'il sera affiché avec tous ses compétiteurs, c'est de la pure logique.
Tout le monde gagne en visitant les Chevaliers de l'Info: qualité et pertinence au lieu de divertissement et consommation!
En résumé, ce site internet force nos chers médias à faire un meilleur travail, de là l'importance de le visiter et d'en parler autour de nous.
About the founder
"Chevaliers de l'information",
"Knights Of News"
created by / conçu par
Jonathan Bouchard
Born in 1976, I am a computer geek and programmer who loves geopolitics and MSM.
I am from Quebec, Canada, I speak French. I started to learn English with a Commodore 64.
FPS lover who can't play as he wants like many others but still, I finished original Doom I and II without cheating at hard. ;)
Philosopher who loves to think about the future of mankind, evolution and what we are supposed to do on Earth.
My dream would be that each one of us develops his curiosity toward what's really happening in the world. Before trying to fix our major problems of coexistence, I think the very first step is to learn about what we are and then, we will be able to fix problems like global warming, terrorism, hunger and war. Because, that's our goal, right?
My English grammar is not perfect, my French is a lot better, but I am trying hard.
Suits and ties are not for me... even if I look handsome in it!
I kept my child's hearth, I make jokes, I sing, I am not shy to laugh at myself.
I don't bite. I just know what I want and there's reasons for it, each time.
Don't you think it's enough? Contact me if you still want more! :D
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